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Lyon Spartacus

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A body to enjoy and have pleasure
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not care

May 21st @ 11:59pm EDT

Need that, hope, believe that everything will be fine , although its future is open to a black target -------- Alvaro knew , a kind of wisdom , that when someone is amputated body part is still hurt , phantom limb was not really but if you closed your eyes , you could keep noticing , attached to the body even when is open only to find a meat section cut cleanly After three days and a half the wounds on his forearms almost gone, just a little souvenir whitish in parts of his skin were proof of the madness that had been about to make. However, when I closed my eyes and when he thought about , was able to continue feeling the terrible burning of each and every one of them , as if a spider had stuck to them from the elbow to the wrist. It was horrible but struggled to keep busy did not realize His mentality had also undergone a change , if formerly elusive rebel and then give way to someone docile and hopeful of escaping now cynicism had set in his mind It was stupid to think that if meekly let him drive a red carpet expected to bring down the road and it was stupid to think that if he resisted going to get something other than pain. Cynicism instead , albeit even in tiny amounts , was the best way to deal with your situation If you wanted to escape could only rely on himself, and would not care


May 12th @ 1:34pm EDT

oon my cock was iron and overpower me about Saul , I rubbed my hairy balls in her buttocks , my cock between her hot slit drooling , I rubbed and rubbed without penetrating even her asshole was wet with my saliva and plenty of pre-cum my cock bounced q . Slowly I began to penetrate my glans now kissed her anus and Saul moaned loudly with pleasure , I pushed and I began to enter her anus hot , moist , delicious. " Do it to me slowly " he told me and so I went into it , slowly feeling every inch of his hole , enjoying every inch of him . Suddenly stood still a moment to settle down better and he made a motion with his ass subtle q made ​​me almost bite his shoulder, then I went soft and I stopped, and he again his movement toward my pubic kiss my hairy pubis those buttocks powerful , my dick would plunge into the anus of Saul , my hands caressed his, my mouth kissing her neck, groaning Saul kept slowly, my cock was pounding iron and inside, quize then start the puts and takes . But Saul suddenly turned and asked me " rub your cock against mine please " , and then watched his cock q was identical to mine in thickness and length , q only his skin was dark , his black testes were as hairy as mine.


May 6th @ 12:21pm EDT

One sensed that he was disenchanted rotten in the story of his bitter past . I needed a ... 'someone' needed love. Needed also want ... someone to worship and not ... to call it : Love? Love ... at second sight . Perceiving the melancholy charm and torment together makes ... at the end of talk , sleep and undress , being almost equal to him, being at par without committing sex. - The ... love is great ... destroys the ambiguities . Touching her ear ... speaking from my heart ... I just did to turn around and ... there was a few moments . I smiled because I ...that little face ... eyes bright with tears , but flashing inside with some prominence in his iris . His mouth and chin trembling something wet by her tears , pressure bore me in the stomach and then blasted my brain ... could not resist a bit more but ... I approached slowly managed exteriorizarme against his lips . Dedicate this vast magical moment of ... kiss . It was fitting , that was like ... chips are formed in me and then ... we lasted quite in that instance. Kissing ... who would believe . And that was the first Bobcat eyes.


Apr 29th @ 10:39am EDT

We sat on the grass and we started talking and smoking the butt , talk about pure until wn weas tells me - Why I looked so much? I was freezing! Do not know what to say , Locked There ... - Not for nothing, it is they were talking about re strong and was laughing shitless weas saying - We were talking about the work we had pa morning and that was what I would advance these wns while playing the game. - Heeeee misunderstood then - Ahhh ok . Uncomfortable silence he broke with THE question - I can ask you something ? - Yes , give - But do not take this the wrong way ? - No, tell me dale - You're bi ? Gay ? - It may be for that ? - Nopo seriously, whether or not - Puta if you bother ? - Pa na - And you ? - I do not know , I've never caught a mino - You do not expect to get a mine to know who likes pa - Puta ok , if I'm bi but piola - I just relax wn - Bkn - Hey teni msn ? - If you write .... That his cell phone rang , his brother, and he had to go ... Get to connect to MSN , and CHAN ! Accept the contact. We got to talking Jan , I wonder about my experiences and everything, got webcam and asked me to see something, I said no , that these weas by cam carried me , if I wanted something that would live after we met and more . We talked this week , we had a lot of chemistry .


Apr 23rd @ 3:38pm EDT

and continued to mamandomelo and at any moment the turned and saw his rich ass , you got one, two, and 3 fingers and told me he brought himself , I was so excited that I took , and I got a the man groaned and began to move his way back from a wow ! that tail vibrated you so were the rate taking and giving hard , we forgot we were there and telling me to give her moaning harder, from time to time I felt that I was coming, so I warned the he replied that he wanted me to come in, and so, I came and started to shake very hard as he let all my milk in, when I saw that he masturbated and came in rate uff bounced milk mil. When finished cum, flipped over and kissed me, then I remembered that we were in a bath, cleaned my penis and him, we dress , and before leaving made ​​me sticking his fingers in her anus , and said: " looks like you left me , you have to repeat " I kissed her again, we wash our hands and went just like that. It was the best night I 've had in the U. EXCITING , VERY VERY HOT STORY . IS TO HAVE SEX WITH DANGER IS THE BEST !


Apr 22nd @ 10:19am EDT

Hey men! It has been a great week! I have been working a lot, and working out a lot with my friends. Today I did not realize it was Friday, and am looking forward to spending some quality time with you all. The week flew by really fast. So amazing. Between school, work, and the gym, who has time!? LOL No seriously, I have been more dedicated to all my choices, including my time on cam with you. I have only been doing this type of work for about two months, and so far so good. I have been working extra hard in the gym to trim down a bit more and work on muscle mass. Anyone who knows about physical fitness, or is into it too, knows just how fanatical we can get. Being in the gym helps me clear my head and focus more on the important things for me. For now, those things are keeping in shape, getting good grades in school, and spending quality time with my friends and family... OH, and work! LOL Okay guys, I hope to spend more time with you all. Like I said, it has been good so far, and really want to know you better, so please do not be shy! I am much more than muscle, ok!? LOL Ciao.


Apr 21st @ 11:29am EDT

I made friends with the engineers and workers of the dam and with some frequency after finishing my work came to them for a few beers. This occurred shortly after 18 pm. It was common that I walked the 3 miles that separated us, so that it was sweaty and thirsty and they already had prepared the supply of beer. We played dominoes, cards or just talked. Obviously they were all presumed to be heterosexual or with married life, though they were alone. It was a collection of at least 50 men, aged between 20 and 50 years. Sometimes I got so sweaty after the walk that I wanted to give me a shower and then I go to the showers offered a fairly large roof space where sprinklers were located 20, all in a row, without screens or separations. For me it was the glory to be in that feast of buttocks and yards in the air and then water. I quickly undressed me and put me under cool running water, however, my eyes traveled to all the bastards engineers, plumbers, general laborers, construction workers and helpers who came and without more is encueraban completely and showed many of them generous endowments. It is almost certain that no one realized that I liked men. However, there was a construction engineer to be good "friends" had caught my attention especially. He was a swarthy, hairy, somewhat paunchy belly without being very high


Apr 15th @ 3:55pm EDT

in an afternoon that had already finished work, I went to a mall to buy things for personal hygiene made ​​me want to go to the bathroom when you enter the bathroom and I was drying hands a boy entered the thin sympathetic 25 years caught my attention immediately look at it and looked at me and smiled note right away that it did not bother to watch, while we left the bathroom and we headed for the standard of the store when he greets me and gives me the hand struck up a conversation and told me that going to the bathroom nuevamentente I went after him on the potty while I look into your penis dicimuladamente I was amazed to see that big thick cock and erect I see smiles and tells me that you love my cock, with a little sorry you answer if you ask me again like you suck imnediato yes, I said if you're going to answer him go home, we walked talking nonsense, when we go to the bathroom she told me and expect me ahy came and got that thing and get started with that urge to suck huge felt I was choking him licked sucked sucked eggs every groan of the enloquesia me any time now please tell me you put in and I will without hesitation told me you answer condom if the condom is placed a touch of cream echo opened my buttocks and put his cock big and heavy to me comienso hurt a little but fast-paced and gave me so spectacular that todabia SeekerPorn feel his cock in my asstable


Apr 9th @ 12:17pm EDT

ou're the last thing on my mind at night. You fill every dream I have. You're the very first thing I think of when I wake up ... and you'll never know it. I miss you when you're gone. I miss you when you're sitting so close to me and I can't touch you. I miss you when you smile that smile at me. I miss not having you in my life, even when everyday you are. I want you like you'll never know. I want your entire heart and soul. I see your face, I see your heart. I want your love, I NEED your love, but I won't tell you because I can't. I cannot tell you how I feel, because I know you're just my friend. I know that you're happy with that. I know you're not looking for someone to love. I know, I know, I know! But, I don't understand; I don't understand why it has to hurt so very much when you laugh, when you get so close. I don't get that. I don't know how to move on, I don't know how to let myself live without you. I just don't know! I just want a day when it's just you and me. I just want a day when my heart can sing true. I pray to God every day that you'll tell me that you want me the same way I want you. I beg every day to an unseen force that you will one day be mine. I'm moving away, but I'm leaving my heart with you. Forever and for always, it will belong to you. Don't tell me if you don't love me, but please for the love of God, please tell me if you feel the same way. If you don't love me, please stop looking at me with those eyes, please stop touching my arm, please stop - just stop, because my heart loves you. My heart NEEDS you, but without you, there really is no point. So please, for my sanity, love me, or leave me. Stop teasing me like this. Forever and a day,


Mar 27th @ 9:56am EDT

Greetings guys, how are you? Today I was thinking of the time I had the pleasure of being on this site to share with you all the truth has been wonderful, people, friends, hot moments wow, you all are great, I never imagined so well pass here, the truth and those who do not know me took a few days on the web but I would love to still have the pleasure of spending more time with you, I know many of you work or have very tight routines however I hope to meet you soon and share a great time with you.... Saludos muchachos, como estas ? Hoy estaba pensando en el tiempo que he tenido el placer de estar en este sitio compartiendo con todos ustedes, la verdad ha sido maravilloso, la gente, los amigos, los momentos calientes wow, todos ustedes son geniales, nunca me imaginé pasarla tan bien en este lugar, la verdad y para los que no me conocen llevo muy pocos días en la web pero me encantaría seguir teniendo el placer de compartir más tiempo con todos ustedes, yo sé que muchos de ustedes trabajan o tienen rutinas muy apretadas sin embargo espero poder conocerles pronto y compartir un gran momento con todos ustedes


Feb 5th @ 9:46am EST

Yesterday was a great day, i wake up like everyday, but when i see through the windows i see three old guys, they was walking dogs, so i start to imagine, what happen if i have a dog, so i think that is complicated have a dog, it is a big responsibility but i love the animals, i want buy one dog for me, but i don't have enough time to walk with it, jmmm.. I WANT KNOW IF SOMEONE HAS DOG? if u have one, we can talk about it, what fun historis do u have of ur dog? is interesting talk about something different, oki guys, tray i want do a great show for u, u can see how i play with my cock, and we my hand at the same time! Ayer fue un gran día, me levanto como todos los días, pero cuando veo a través de las ventanas veo a tres chicos de edad, que fue a pasear perros, así que empiezo a imaginar lo que sucederá si tengo un perro, así que creo que es muy complicado tener un perro, que es una gran responsabilidad pero me encantan los animales, quiero comprar un perro para mí, pero no tengo tiempo suficiente para caminar con él, jmmm .. QUIERO SABER SI ALGUIEN TIENE UN PERRO? si tienes uno, podemos hablar de ello, lo que las historias divertidas que hacer u ur de perro? es interesante charla sobre algo diferente, chicos oki, quiero hacer un gran espectáculo para ustedes, quiero jugar con mi pene y con mis manos al mismo tiempo!

no man

Jan 29th @ 10:10am EST

he restaurant was so busy tonight I was glad to finally be done with my shift. I walked to the parking lot and just about cried when I saw the flat tire. It was dark and no way was I going to be able to change it tonight. If I hurry I can see if someone is still here who can give me a lift. I ran just in time to catch the cook, Arturo, before he pulled away. I asked if he could give me a ride and when I told him where to he said hop in but it was going to cost me. We pulled away from the curb and he smiled so devilishly sexy, then I saw his hand move and he started unzipping his pants, pulled out the biggest cock I ever saw and said, "Time for you to pay up for the ride," as he reached for my hand and put it on his dick, pulling me half onto his lap. I was offended but excited and he was so fucking hot I bent my head down and tasted him. He was salty and I could smell the scent of spices on him and I was so turned on. I swallowed every inch of cock, feeling that head hit the back of my throat. He pulled over on the side of the road and started to cum. I kept swallowing what seemed liked endless amounts of cum before casually sitting up and looking at him. He smiled and said, "For round two I am going to fuck the hell out of you!" and pulled back out onto the street.


Jan 21st @ 9:22am EST

This is a true story. It is not a fake tale to try to scare young man or entertain adults. Some may think this is not even scary at all, but being that I was six at the time, I was terrified and I still am. The house I live in now with my father was built from 1997 to 1998. During the period that my father was building it strange things began to occur. He would work at night (9:00pm to 10:00pm) to try to finish up any projects that he had been working on. On many occasions he told me that he would see the house glow red from the inside. Being that it was late at night the sun would have already gone down and would not have been able to cast a red glow. I remember one night he came in the house shaking and pale. He told my mother and me that a demonic voice had called his name. He was terrified and called our neighbor to see if he had been playing a sick joke on him, but to our horror he was at work. Well the house was finally finished and we moved in on October 31, 1998. The first year we lived there was uneventful and no strange phenomenons had occured. One night I was laying on the couch watching TV when I heard what sounded like a young man's voice. It was in a foreign language so I couldn\'t understand what it was saying. I thought somebody was in the basement and was going to come and get me so I ran upstairs to where my parents were and told them about my experience. Both of them confessed to hearing the same thing. My dad thought he was going crazy but he felt a lot better once he knew that others were hearing the same thing. Well we had a long talk about it and


Jan 16th @ 12:11pm EST

The game was over and we won, the celebrating had begun, the party was in full swing. Music was really pumping through the air and everyone was having a good time. I went to find a bathroom and headed upstairs where I knew I would have a better chance of not having to wait. There was nobody around and I opened the door to the bathroom and stopped. He stood there stroking his cock, his eyes were closed and he didn't even realize that I had opened the door. He moaned softly and it was so kinky, just watching him like this. I was getting really turned on and I wanted more that to just watch him. I approached and went down on my knees. As he slid his hand towards his balls, I took the head of his cock in my mouth and sucked on hit hard. He jumped in surprise then relaxed and let me devour his gorgeous cock. I lapped and licked and tasted his pre-cum oozing out of the tip. He started playing with his nipples as I stroked and sucked him, teasing his balls with my fingertips and licking right from the base of them to the tip of his cock. I stood up, turned and bronco style sat right down on his dick, riding him like a bull. He started cumming first and that hot spurt was all I needed to push me over the edge too

i like this stoiry

Jan 14th @ 11:16am EST

Broadway is such a spectacular place. I worked on the costumes and there were always last minute alteration, split seams, shortened hem lines, you name it. I was quick and nimble with my fingers and I got the job done and done on time for the show. Today was dress rehearsal day for the Wednesday matinee. Of course, there was a new member of the cast and he needed to be fitted and sized for his costumes. I had an office in the back, with the pedestal for them to stand on and when he knocked, I absently said come in and finished running a hem through my sewing machine. I told him to get undressed and stand at the pedestal I would be right with him to take his measurements. I finished, hung up the garment I was working on and turned and stared in awe. He was tall, blonde gorgeous, looked like a regular Adonis. No wonder they picked him for the part. He was also naked, not a requirement for his measurements but a definite plus for me. I took my measuring tape and went to work, trying hard not to notice how big his cock was as I measure his inseam. I brushed him with the back of my hand and he almost flinched but the effect was obvious as his dick started to stand straight up. I said to him, "Honey, if he wants to be measure and fitted, I am more than happy to oblige," I measured his cock at 10 ½" and then fitted him right into my mouth!


Jan 10th @ 11:00am EST

We were playing in this little bar across town. We played a mix of past and presents songs and there was actually a decent crowd tonight. We really got the place hopping and the owner gave us a great tip at the end of the night. The band had driven two different cars, one actually a van to house the drums, and to accommodate where everybody lived. I drove with our newest member, our bass guitar player, just because gas costs so much these days carpooling to the same gig seemed the best thing to do and we split the cost. It was really dark on the winding road we were on and the deer was actually caught in the headlights when we hit it head on. Never thought it could be so loud. There we were, stuck, at least the phones still worked but the tow was going to be 2 hours at least, it was assisting with an accident. So there we sat and waited. We both drifted off to sleep but I woke when I felt warm hands rubbing my back. It took me a moment to realize that I was half lying across his lap, I was stroking him absently in my sleep and he was fully aroused. I looked up at him and smiled as he stared back. Seize the moment I always say and I turned my head and gave him the best blow job of his life, right before the headlight of the tow shined through the car windows

the way

Jan 7th @ 10:56am EST

grew up going to church on Sunday and saying my prayers each and every night. When I moved to a different state, I decided it was time to get back into the fold and I joined my local denomination. They had a welcome mixer the second Sunday of the month and I decided that I had to go. I had to get out there and meet some new people and thought this would be a great way. They really do go all out this little welcoming committee, they had a live local band, good food and beer and wine too. I saw him and he seemed to be hanging off to the side, shy and unsure, looked like I felt! I walked over and introduced myself and we started to chat. We hit it off right away and actually grew up only a few towns away from each other in the same state. We talked almost the entire time and when the mixer was over, we went out to grab a cup of coffee. I never saw it coming, one minute we were in my car talking, the next we were in the back seat, fucking like teenagers, steaming up the windows and I was begging him to make me cum. Church, who would have figured that I would find such a nice piece of ass there!


Dec 20th @ 8:26am EST

The restaurant was crowded and it took forever to get the table, but it was worth the wait. It was in a secluded little spot in the far corner the long white table cloth on top almost going to the floor around it. We ordered a glass of wine and I could see the look on his face. He reached for my hand and placed it in his lap. I could feel how hard he was through his pants and knew he would not wait until later for a little taste of pleasure. Looking around, I did what everyone always sees in the movies, I slid down underneath the table, unzipped his pants and started sucking on his big, hard dick. I could hear him talking and realized that he was actually giving our order to our waitress so I started sucking and stroking full force. I could feel him tense up as he spoke and he started to cum in my mouth. He paused midsentence to enjoy the feel of shooting his load right down my throat. Laughing I swallowed, tasting his every last drop. I slid back into view, startling the waitress who turned ten shades of red as she realized what I had just done. Reaching for my glass of wine I calmly inquired about the soup of the day. She said it was a cream based bisque and without skipping a beat I said, well I already had cream today, how about a salad to start?

oh yeah

Dec 19th @ 8:27am EST

I wanted him to watch me. I made him just sit in the chair, I actually tied him to the arms and legs so he was just naked sitting there with a ball gag in his mouth. He was making sounds against it, but I didn't care. That big black cock was fucking my ass slow and deep. He had this rhythm and it was almost like a sexual dance. It was heated and passionate and the hottest fuck I had ever had in my life. When he smacked my ass it turned me on even more. Then I look over at him watching me and what I thought was anxiety in him was actually more like lust. His puny little cock was standing up ramrod straight. I could see the pre-cum dripping down the shaft out of the head and it was so fucking sexy seeing him that way. He was breathing heavy through that gag and I could see his bound hands trying to reach that tiny dick to stroke it. Too bad that wasn't going to happen! I was about to cum and I looked at him and said this is what happens when I get fucked by a real man and I shattered cumming so hard! I felt that hot spurt deep inside of me and I knew that my BBC was cumming too. Exhausted, I shifted positions only long enough to remove the ball gag from your mouth, squatted over your face and told you to lick me clean!

for my lovers

Dec 4th @ 10:00am EST

hroughout this process not looked into his eyes, for some reason I was terrified actually check what was happening. Just imagined and still imagine his expression throughout the site and is still something that is exciting me. I leaned against the wall with his head down until his hand touched my shoulder and made me sit up. He held out his hand to help me up and when I went to stand my penis and began to wiggle it quickly, I turned and put me back on and went back to make contact. His cock had already lost the position and shape but all the eroticism that generated in me, I caused one of the greatest runs I had over my life. I keep shaking it and then took the remaining traces of semen on his hand to his mouth, like sealing a pact between grandfather and grandson. I turned and kissed me gently on the mouth and by good words said, - This is between us, it\\\'s our secret, nothing but us -. Rinsed finished He turned and took the rack clothes that were improvised, got dressed and headed to the house to wait for the food, because it was already noon ... Well, this was one of the strongest things that happened to me over my many years. I hope this testimony that I always wanted to have but never had the opportunity nor the place to do serve for others can deliver yours. Likewise leave my email because I like to have contact with other people and exchange ideas, thoughts,

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